Monday, September 14, 2009

Storms, Sophie and Sedatives...

Listening to the radio as I drove into work this morning I was concerned about the forecast calling for thunderstorms. I immediately thought of my dog.

Sophie is terrified of thunderstorms, fireworks and the sounds of gunshots coming from the distant shooting range. She responds to this stress in very destructive ways. It's not pretty.

I was very concerned that she was home alone facing the impending storms un-sedated and without me there to monitor her behavior. I left work early, just as the rain started to fall. I hurried home, hoping I was not too late.

Sophie had been holed up in her sleeping area, but greeted me happily when I walked in the door. She seemed a little disoriented and stressed and did not want to come upstairs with me. Finally, I was able to persuade her to come up to the kitchen for the "treat" I had for her - two sedative tablets buried deep in a chunk of butter.

It was only a matter of minutes before the thunder started to rumble through the skies and Sophie started to shake and drool. I could tell she was happy not to have to face the storm alone. I gave her another 1/2 tablet for good measure, turned on some peaceful music and we sat it out together. The sedatives did not cure her responses to the stress, but they did keep her from running around the house like a crazy lunatic!

I am glad I was able to come home to be with her this time. I hope the drugs work without me here in the future.


  1. Hahaha. Riley had a bath and we sat on the run in front of the tv together a I dried him off and brushed his fur. :)

  2. Hi Kathy! I found your blog through Shelby's! I like your last post about cooking with Dave. That seems so weird and so far away for me to even think about having no screaming/fighting children around. The fish sounds good though.
